Tuesday 19 August 2014


So after the horrendous Saturday night with Jacob, I'd hoped that Sunday night might have seen him get back to his normal sleep habits. But apparently somebody thought it would be funny to leave me with the no sleeping, screaming infant as opposed to the sleeping (most of the time) quiet baby I'm used to. It was bang on the same time as Saturday night that he woke up. 11.30pm. After an hour, I gave in again and brought him into our bed. I knooooow it's bad! But I was so tired. Not that it made much difference because he fidgeted all night and then wanted to get up at 5.30. Talk about torture! I think the issue is that Jacob is ready to drop one of his daytime naps but it is so hard to try and work it out so that he doesn't go too early or too late. Yesterday we tried just the one nap after lunch. He only had around an hour which is a lot less than the 3 hours he would have over two naps but last night he went to bed earlier than usual, so 7pm instead of 8pm and slept through! So I had planned to stick to that today, but his second set of immunisations were today and apparently they give them sleeping drugs of some kind because as soon as we got in the car, he crashed out. At 10am!!! This was completely not part of my master plan!!! He's gone to bed okay, but I don't expect another sleep through! He has been quite grumpy today after his immunisations, and he got quite poorly last time after around 10 days so I'm hoping these ones don't go the same way. He did have the MMR on his first lot and I've heard that can be the one that wipes them out. He only had two today as opposed to five vaccines so fingers crossed he's okay this time!

Post imms snooze.

I got rid of Jacobs huge highchair today, it was a really lovely wooden one which also converted into a table and chairs but I really wanted him to have a booster seat that goes on our dining chairs so he can sit at the table with us. We try to all eat dinner together every night unless we are obviously having a late one. So I like for Jacob to sit at the table with us. I bought him a "Munchkin" travel booster seat. It was a right bargain at £14 and it folds up and looks like a bag so you can take it out with you. Obviously I'm not going to strut around the town centre with it, but it's handy to chuck in the car if we are going to my mums or something. He really loved it, but as always, most of his food made it's way to the floor. It was nice for him to actually be at the table with us too. 

Before the mess...

Oh dear...


Im actually contemplating going to bed already and it's only 8pm. Wish me luck for tonight! 

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