Friday 1 August 2014

Fevers and Frozen.

So the post immunisation fever has reared it's ugly head over the last few days, at least that's what I'm hoping it is! Jacob started to get really grumpy on Wednesday so I got out my old pal the thermometer. It was like another part of my body when Jacob was having chemo, I would take his temperature every few hours and if he ever had a fever, it would be a trip straight upto our local hospital to have Jacob put on antibiotics for 3-10 days depending on what kind of infection he had. Thankfully this only happened once, and we stayed in for three nights. So when he came up at 38.2 degrees on Wednesday afternoon, it was calpol time! Besides being super grumpy, he had no other symptoms. Although he actually slept through the night on Tuesday and Wednesday which is a rarity in this house so I should have realised something wasn't right! Thursday morning his temperature was still around 38 and calpol didn't seem to be making a difference, I had read that this can happen 7-10 days after the MMR jab, but I still panic that it could be something else. My brother and Lou were meant to be looking after Jacob while I worked as Rich had to work Thursday too, but I called and said I wouldn't be in just in case! Plus he was so grumpy, I wouldn't expect anyone else to have to look after him while he's like that. And he only ever wants mummy anyways when he's not feeling great! So we spent the day watching Frozen, shock! I'm starting to get a bit worried though as one; it's making me excited for winter and snow, and two; I am developing a crush on the chiseled jawed Kristoff. I wonder if Jacob would appreciate watching The Notebook instead? Jacob has started to respond to things in the film, such as when the big marshmallow snowman growls and shouts and Anna, Kristoff and Olaf, he growls at the tv and shouts back. And I realise I'm talking as though everyone has seen the film, so if you haven't seen it, watch it. I've seen it 12 million times and I actually still enjoy it.
Jacob must have either been feeling better or 100 times worse last night because he was up literally all night crying. No amount of cuddles or calpol made him any better. I even resorted to bringing him into our bed which I try not to do, ever. And that didn't work. I ended up having to sleep sitting up next to his cot as everytime I went out of sight, he woke up going crazy. It's like he has a mum radar!! So to say I'm tired today is an understatement. Jacob however, had a 3 hour nap so he's feeling just fabulous and is all up for a party now. I really need to start drinking coffee. 

Fever= nappy day! 

I had to share this photo as I bought Jacob a cap the other day and he actually doesn't mind wearing it. Plus I think he looks ridiculously cool. If I may say so myself. 

They're so pleased to be going to Tesco...


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