Wednesday 16 July 2014

A Good Day!

Today we had Jacobs usual two weekly check up at the Royal London Hospital. We were switched to the afternoon list yesterday which was a bit last minute, and I always dread it more as Jacob is awake and nil by mouth for a lot longer than if he was on the morning list. He can't eat after 7.30am on the day when he's on the afternoon list, so when he point blank refused his breakfast this morning, I knew it was going to be a tough one. They always seem to run later in the afternoons, which means Jacob goes nearly 24hours without eating if he refuses his breakfast. Luckily, he went down to theatre around 2.35 today which was much better than usual. We've waited til nearly 5pm before. He went absolutely crazy this time while being put to sleep, 3 nurses had to help hold him down because he somehow gets the strength of an angry Dr Bruce Banner when he spies the gas mask. I thought we'd turned a corner at the last check up as he wasn't too bad, but nope. His little face just staring at me as if to say "Mummy, why are you doing this to me again?" Is absolutely heartbreaking. But as always, I just think "it's got to be done." While he's down in theatre we always go to the restaurant to kill time. And for me to eat whatever hot pudding they have with custard. It's like what you used to have at school! Absolutely delicious. The only perk of a normally stressful day and being a little food piggy, I actually look forward to it. And today, someone must have been doing some voodoo on me because they sold out. And it was apricot crumble. ANY kind of crumble is my favourite. I very nearly cried in the middle of the hospital restaurant. I settled with a disgusting chicken salad sandwich and a snickers. But by the time we got back to the ward, they were ready for me to collect Jacob from recovery so my food hardly got touched anyways! He'd only been gone 30 minutes which made me think that he hadn't had any treatment. He's normally gone around an hour. I daren't say anything to Rich though as I didn't want to jinx it. But I was right! Jacob didn't need any treatment and his tumour was stable. This hasn't happened since he was having chemo. I honestly feel like I've won the lottery. We've got a four week gap until we are there again, we've not had this for so long that I think I'm going to feel a bit lost in two weeks when we would normally be going. I'm not going to carry on like this is it and it is coming to an end because I am sure Jacob will need more treatment in the future. But for now I'm just enjoying today's news and a bigger break between appointments! We literally do take each appointment as it comes as we know it can be so different every time. But today was a good one!

Setup for the day, Frozen on the tablet and books in hand...

The only bottle he still has, post EUA. 

Inhaling his blueberries after he finally wakes up...

On a different note, Jacob has started to take steps! I was quite worried about this as I thought this may be where he fell behind in his development. We were told that he may have developmental delays due to the chemo, but he crawled at 7 months which I've heard is quite early and he's brilliant at climbing and playing with toys and he says quite a few words. So the only thing really left was walking. He's so unsteady still and to be honest I think a bit lazy too! Because he can crawl and has crawled for so long, he knows he can get around that way so just does that. But he is getting funnier and becoming his own little person more each day. Since our road trip last week, he's become obsessed with Frozen. He will sit there for the whole hour and a half staring at the screen. And then if I put it on again, he does it again. I'm going to have to start a "tv time" rule. 

Here comes trouble...

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Oh, and incase you were wondering, we are still teething at an alarming rate. I should have shares in Teetha granules and Calpol... 

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