Tuesday 11 November 2014

A full nights sleep...

Before I even started writing this, I thought "Char, you're jinxing it, you're jinxing it, don't do it!!!" But I think we may have turned a corner with sleep. Jacob hasn't been in our bed for around two weeks now. And He's started to sleep to a more normal time. He woke up at 8.15 on Sunday morning. It was amazing. He did have a wobble at around 5.30, I'm not 100% on the time but it was dark so there was no way we were getting up. Does he not know that Sunday is a day of rest?! I left him to have a little moan, and then it went silent. Next thing I know, it was 8.15. Rich sleeps through absolutely anything (so he says, I bet all your baby daddy's do the same too don't they? Must be a magical gene men are blessed with) so when I decided enough was enough with him coming into our room in the night, I knew the battle was for me to fight alone. We've always tried to use controlled crying as is the the only thing that's ever really worked for us. Jacob has been so much happier too, and me! He wakes up and sits talking and laughing to himself and his toys, as opposed to waking up crying. And He's down to the one big nap a day. This varies from before lunch around 11.30 or he will go after lunch around one. It all depends on what time he was awake. Which recently hasn't been earlier than 6.30. I'm jinxing it again aren't I...

We have Jacobs check up at the Royal London Hospital tomorrow, it was pushed back a week as they had an emergency last week. Its happened a few times and every time I panic like crazy. A week will never make too much difference in tumour growth, but because he's gone so long without treatment, it is very nerve wracking. He's on the afternoon list too which is even more stressful than the morning. It tends to always run a bit later and sometimes Jacob won't go down to theatre until 4. And when he hasn't eaten since 7.30 that morning, he is not a happy boy. And I'm pretty sure he's going through a bit of a growth spurt at the moment too as he doesn't stop eating and all of his trousers seem to have turned into ankle biters. He's finally making his way into 9-12 month clothing, so after a year of wearing 3-6 and 6-9, He's finally mixing it up a bit! It does however mean he needs so many new clothes, he managed to build up an entire years worth of wardrobe in 3-6 month clothing. So summer or winter, if you need some 3-6 months boys clothes, give me a shout!!!
Due to the size change, I went through all of Jacobs clothes to sort out what I want to keep and what I'll probably donate. I thought about doing a boot sale and selling it on but its just all too much hassle. I managed to part with about a quarter of the items. And even that was a ridiculous amount. How do you get rid of it all?! I think I'm going to need to get about 200 of those memory quilts made. My mum got Jacob a bear made with 5 of his first sleep suits which was lovely. I'm sure I'll get realistic and part with them one day.

We avoided Jo Jingles this week, purely because Jacob always has a habit of picking up a cold or some sort of snotty disease right before hospital, and as he was already delayed, I didn't want to risk him catching anything. Instead, we spent the morning grabbing some shopping and then Sophie and Teddy came over for lunch.
We changed Jacobs routine a little bit last night, as he normally gets changed and ready for bed upstairs, then goes to bed after a story. We tried changing him into his pyjamas a bit earlier last night and letting him stay downstairs for a bit. It can end up a bit chaotic when he gets changed right before bed and can make him over excited and then he throws a bit of a wobbly when he's put into his cot. He went to bed really well, and alot calmer than usual. I still had to read the same book four times though. That's his new thing. The same book over and over again. He would let me read it sixty times if he could.

A bit of before bed relaxation.

I finally managed to get some wellies in Jacobs size yesterday. Everywhere is sold out of little size 4's! But they have posed a problem, he wants to wear them ALL THE TIME. And be outside ALL THE TIME. And it isn't very warm at the moment! We've just spent an hour in the garden. I swear kids don't get cold. 

I'll let you know how we get on tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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